Your Inner Guidance is speaking to you. Are you listening?
Your Inner Guidance is speaking to you. Are you listening?

Your Inner Guidance is speaking to you. Are you listening?

Turning Insight Into Action

Each of us experiences intuition every day- a gut feeling, a fleeting thought or memory, imagery that shows up in daydreams.

Sometimes it’s hard to know what is just a random thought and what is inner guidance. Developing a relationship with our inner compass takes practice. We not only have to learn to listen with sensitivity and discernment, but we have to create an inner environment of trust so that the voice of our inner guidance speaks loud and clear. When I was beginning to develop these skills, I also found it challenging to know what to do with messages once I received them! My imagery often overwhelmed and paralyzed me. Sometimes I tried to stop listening to my body, my dreams, my emotions, fearing that I would have yet another insight or “aha” that I wouldn’t know what to do with.

What I began to understand is that these inner promptings or intuitive senses are not actually guidance; they are what guidance is made of. Inner guidance only develops when we allow these senses to emerge, be witnessed without intervention, and allowed to settle and integrate. This requires a strong container, patience, and compassion.And damn is it tempting to meddle, rush, push, squeeze, jump to conclusions!

My lifelong artistic practice took on a whole new role with this discovery. I began to use the expressive arts to uncover insights and then to integrate what emerged. Using movement, sound, words, and imagery, I connected my multiple intelligences, which greatly supported the self-integration process.

Over years of continuing this practice, my intuition has matured into a reliable source of direction. I recognize that the stages of understanding I moved through to get to this point were all important stepping-stones as I discovered and strengthened my inner compass. But those stages didn’t necessarily have to feel like a struggle.

You don’t have to struggle through your stepping-stones either. I want to support you during your own process of connecting with your inner compass and offer you the insights, skills, and guidance I have developed so the process can feel inspiring, empowering, and fun.

I have designed a process for moments in our life when something is asking to emerge, to be witnessed, and to be used towards an important transformation.

You will strengthen your connection with your inner guidance while learning specific techniques & skills so you can build your own lifelong practice of self-understanding and confidant decision-making.

What is the process?

Ok, so working with the expressive arts can be a powerful way to understand one’s self. But developing a relationship with your creativity in a moment of crisis can be like deciding to learn how to cook once you’re already hungry and have guests knocking on the door.

Following this analogy, an Inner Portrait Session  is like a delicious dinner when you need it, along with a recipe book and cooking lessons so you and your guests continue to be well fed.

The more the language for my offering unfolds, the clearer it is that this process is not therapy, is not a psychic reading, is not life coaching… it is education. It is a process of learning a way of knowing, a way of listening, of getting all of your intelligences working together. This experience of training – to connect with your inner resources and tools for receiving information around themes in your life – is healing and empowering.

I am currently offering Inner Portrait Mini & Full Sessions, which is a fabulous way to start the process. After your session, you will have 15-20 personal images that I create for you through deep energetic listening. And you will be familiar with several exercises for continuing your relationship with your imagery.

For those of you who are ready to dive in and fully develop your personal practice and connect deeply with your inner guidance, and really solidify your ability to turn insight into action with ease:

My program The Inner Compass Connection launches on December 10th
(this is an online program, so you can connect from anywhere).

You can register for this program as a 28 day Jumpstart or a 90 day Intensive. Enrollment for The Inner Compass Connection has not yet opened. Contact me to be put on the list, so you know right away when registration opens.

If you are wondering which program is right for you…

Sign up for a free Inner Compass Connection Strategy Session
what if one conversation could change your life?

email me at to schedule your time with me.

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