Immersive experience, creative transformation
<span class="vcard">Mo</span>

Your Inner Guidance is speaking to you. Are you listening?

Sometimes it’s hard to know what is just a random thought and what is inner guidance. Developing a relationship with our inner compass takes practice. We not only have to learn to listen with sensitivity and discernment, but we have to create an inner environment of trust so that the voice of our inner guidance speaks loud and clear.

Whale paintings, Inner Portrait Sessions, commissions, and more…


Wow, I feel some powerful energy flowing right now!

These past couple months have been huge for me! I have been painting pretty much non-stop, which feels great. The image above is of a painting I recently completed and sent off to its new family in Washington.

The more I commit to my creative process, the more I am reminded that:

external shifts can happen fluidly and without much effort when I make internal energetic shifts and pay attention to patterns at the subtle levels before they manifest.

I’ve been putting that observation into practice lately and have been blown away by the results. So much resistance and diffusion has transformed in my external world. For others it might look like “magic”; I know it is because of the resistance and diffused energy I have transformed into clarity and purpose internally, which has impacted my outer life. I guess that is still a sort of “magic”. For me, this transformation does not happen through thinking. It happens through action.

I find the arts to be hugely valuable tools for processing my experience and transforming energy because making art is active and engages my whole self, while not affecting my relationships with other people the way other active processing might. By choosing to make art as a way of observing and transforming myself in action, I find myself making more messes in color, sound, movement, and written words and way less messes in my life decisions and relationships with other people. When I witness my messes as art, they are much more approachable, less scary, and easier to resolve and can offer insight and deep meaning to bigger life situations. When I find resolution with my songs, poems, gestures, images… a holistic shift takes place that impacts not only my internal experience, but the relationships I have with others.

As I step more completely into my work, I learn that this is my gift: to engage deeply in my own creative process and to invite and inspire others to connect with their inner worlds through the creative process as a means of transformation on the personal, interpersonal, cultural, and global levels. I am honored and grateful and so freaking excited to be of service!

Big hug and happy full moon! ~MO


Argentina, the truth is I never left you….
I will be teaching an online seminar on the expressive arts as healing pathways to students at Tomato Spirit in Buenos Aires, Argentina on May 12th. Students will engage in creative activities and conversation in English about the Person-Centered Approach, the expressive arts & healing, and how to integrate the creative process into our daily lives. You can find out more here:

It is still not too late to register.


Olympia, surprise I’ll be in town briefly! I am offering Inner Portrait Sessions in Olympia April 21, 22, 23! Distance sessions still available from anywhere.  You can book your in-person or distance session by emailing me directly or online through my website or fb page.